DarkRP - Resistance Occupation Server Rules Last Updated 12/8/23
1. The Reich/Bank Vault is always AOS. Unless otherwise
stated by the Fuhrer.
2. If anything on the player shows up as Illegal when
checked, the item is Illegal.
3. If a person is killed by the Reich for having a weapon out
or is wanted for the murder of a Reich official, the Reich is not allowed to Revive
and Arrest said person/s.
4. If someone disconnects to avoid being arrested, it's
disconnecting to avoid an RP situation. It's like suiciding to avoid an RP
5. If you leave your door open/unlocked and someone walks
into your property and you don't want them there, you must ask them to leave at
least once, giving them time to leave. If they say no and continue advancing into
your base, you may kill them.
6. If you die with a raid on Reich advert, you must make
another and wait the given time.
7. If a dog actually bites/damages you, you can just kill the
8. Do not use a gravity gun or try to catch rockets.
9. Selling your job is not permitted.
10. If you are resistance medics/Doctors and spam healing
their legs every time they're shot to avoid being arrested, this is job abuse.
11. Disrespecting a Reich official is AOS if it is a law
created by the Fuhrer.
12. Administrator Discretion (Any other offense(s) not
specifically outlined.)
13. Use common sense. If it seems like rule-breaking, then it
probably is. There is a degree of "Common Sense" expected of all players. If a
player lacks this degree of common sense, then they will be banned because they are
incapable of playing. This includes Loop-holing.
14. Your rule content goes here.
1. Show respect to other players (do not flame/insult
others). Racism is not permitted in OOC.
2. Do not abuse any exploits, glitches, or use hacks (please
report it for a reward).
3. Selling/Trading In-game currency is prohibited.
4. Do not link or provide NSFW, malware, or any illicit
material at all.
5. Do not spam anything (Voice/Chat/Props/Lockdowns/etc..).
A. Playing music is permitted unless asked to stop.
6. Do not abuse your powers (Voting/Demoting/etc..), this
includes revenge demoting.
7. Do not randomly kill a player (Random Death Match - RDM).
8. Do not randomly attack or interfere with another player.
9. Firearms/Explosives/Melee Weapons and Printers are always
considered illegal.
10. Do not make any Kill on Sight Areas/Signs/Laws.
11. Do not own a building/property if you do not plan to use
it (Unused for over 10 Minutes).
12. Do not scam people (Failure to give a weapon/service that
they have paid for). This includes gambling with money you don't have.
13. Do not randomly set anything on fire.
14. Do not make false 911/Reports on other people.
A. You may fake a 911 call to an unowned building to distract
the Reich.
15. Any non-Reich in any type of Reich official disguise is
always AOS.
16. Only areas behind owned doors are considered private
property, sidewalks and roads are always public.
17. Checkpoints are considered AOS if you run past them
without being checked.
18. Lock picking / Attempting to break into a home is always
19. Intentionally crossfire killing is prohibited.
A. If this person is directly shielding the intended
target, then this will not be considered RDM.
B. If the person is walking around, into your shot,
or within an unreasonable vicinity of a firefight, it will not be considered
C. If you indiscriminately shoot/attack into a group
or person(s), this will be considered RDM.
D. If you use an explosive device on your target that
includes more innocents than hostiles, it will be considered RDM. ex. (2
hostiles and 1 innocent will not be RDM but 1 hostile with 2 innocents will
be considered RDM).
20. Making Countries is not allowed. The only County is Reich
Controlled Poland HOWEVER embassies are permitted.
21. Must have a proper RP Name.
A. Name must be appropriate.
1. Names above heads, Text-Screens, Advertisements, Door
names, Objects clipping through walls/sounds, job names (not scoreboard), and Voice
Chat are considered in-character.
2. If you change from a Reich Job to a Non-Reich Job, you
cannot use any knowledge from the previous Reich Job (Applies with OOC demotions
only, IC demotions from an Officer/Fuhrer do not count).
1. Do not return to the spot of your death or affect roleplay
around the region for 150 seconds / 2.5 minutes.
A. When you die, you are not allowed to remember
anyone or anything from your past life.
2. NLR is applied to any death (in which you respawn at
spawn, does not include if you are resuscitated).
Rule 1: You may spawn a prop to use as cover, as long as it's
appropriate and done in an RP manner.
Rule 2: Do not abuse your props
(surfing/climbing/killing/blocking/Using One-way props/Abusive no-colliding).
Rule 3:
A. You can build a base as long as it has proper supports
(has to look like it would be Sturdy/Stable).
B. The base must adhere to stability and construction
Rule 4: Do not prop block connecting tunnels/main
roads/underground/public property.
Rule 4.A: You are not allowed to prop block the front doors
to the bank or the Vault entrance.
Rule 4.B: You are permitted to prop block within your own
home, as long as there is a clear alternative entrance.
Rule 5: Prop Tunnels and Mazes are not permitted.
A. No more than 1 turn for a prop tunnel entrance.
B. No more than 1 crouch entrance for a prop tunnel.
C. Crouch entrances cannot exceed 3 seconds to get through.
D. Jump crouch entrances count as a crouch entrance.
Rule 6: Invisible/Dark/Hard to See entrances are not
Rule 7: Sliding gates/doors/entrances are not permitted.
Rule 8: Hitbox shielding/glitching is not permitted.
Rule 9: Head Glitching - Using a defense that completely
obscures your head from the view of your attackers while still allowing you to shoot
at them is not permitted.
Rule 10: Hitbox Glitching/Shielding - Using a defense that
completely obscures your body/head from your attackers while still allowing you to
shoot at them; this includes shooting through one-way props.
Rule 1: The owner of the front door of a building has rights
to the entire house.
Rule 2: Be appropriate on your text-screens.
Rule 3: Do not impersonate any Moderator or ROG
Rule 4: Deathmatch games/Fight clubs are allowed.
A. However, they are always illegal. Reich are not allowed
to partake.
B. They must be behind owned and closed doors. Must only
use melee weapons.
Rule 5: Do not prop block a radio or television completely,
so that it cannot be turned on/off.
Rule 6: Do not prop block a radio in a high-traffic area, you
must be able to remove the radio.
Rule 7: You cannot roleplay as a Serial Killer, Terrorist,
Hitman - this is FailRP.
A. This includes (but not limited to) role-playing as a
terrorist organization or group (e.g., Isis).
Rule 8: Do not intentionally attempt to get wanted.
A. Sending a 911 call stating there are people with guns at
a location when it is you or your group waiting to kill the nazis that show
B. Having your gun out on public property for no reason.
C. Textscreens such as "guns sold here," including
text/water gun signs, etc.
Rule 9: Do not break roleplay to intentionally interrupt
administrative sits (phys guns, trying to join in, etc.).
Rule 1: Do not randomly arrest/warrant/want people.
Rule 2: You must have a warrant to enter private property,
unless given explicit permission from the owner.
A. You may enter without a warrant if there is probable
cause (Wanted inside or hear illegal activities such as gunshots).
B. You cannot warrant someone solely on suspicion.
C. You do not have to send another warrant if it expires on
the owner of the house if you have not completed the raid yet.
D. Any door within a property can also be warranted.
Rule 3: You cannot be a corrupt official.
Rule 4: You are permitted to arrest someone attempting to
revive a hostile person (said person was actively shooting you).
A. You are permitted to shoot someone attempting to revive
a hostile person during an active firefight.
Rule 5: You must give people 2 minutes to return to their
homes after Martial Law has been started.
Rule 6: You cannot demote a subordinate without a valid
reason (e.g., Disrespect, not following orders, not abiding by agenda).
A. You cannot order a subordinate to do something against
server rules.
Rule 7: You cannot affiliate or help the Resistance or your
Resistance Group in any way.
Rule 8: You are permitted to KOS anyone with a weapon out or
wanted for the murder of a Reich official.
Rule 9: As a Reich official, do not shoot other Reich
officials; this includes checking to see if they are spies/disguised. This is
Rule 10: Do not switch to Reich, buy multiple
weapons/shipments, and then switch to non-Reich jobs; this is considered FailRP.
Rule 1: Do not run around in useless disguises (e.g., Officer
Rule 2: You can use a disguise to blend in or infiltrate a
Rule 3: Do not run into the Reich with Civilian, Business, or
Resistance skins on; this is FailRP.
Rule 1: You are not permitted to raid; you are permitted to
leave the Reichstag to sell weapons at a raid but cannot participate in the raid
Rule 2: You can only sell to Reich Officials.
A. Do not go German supplier, spawn your weapon, and then
switch jobs; this is considered FailRP.
Rule 3: The Fuhrer can demote you for overpricing your
weapons (Over 2.5x the listed price).
Rule 1: You must stay within the Reich at ALL times.
Rule 2: Bail must be within a reasonable limit (1RM-2500RM).
Rule 1: You cannot order anyone to do anything that would
break the rules (RDM/Random Arrest/etc.).
Rule 2: You cannot change the atmosphere of the RP Server
(e.g., RomeRP, ShrekRP, etc...).
Rule 3: Martial Law reasons must be valid (Raid on Reich,
Raiding Resistance base, bank robbery, etc...).
Rule 4: Laws that are unreasonable are not permitted.
A. Such as Crouch/Jaywalking/Jumping only laws.
Rule 5: You cannot make default weapons illegal, such as the
Physgun, toolgun, gravgun.
Rule 1: You must stay with the Fuhrer at all times, unless
ordered not to do so.
Rule 2: You are not an officer, you cannot order others what
to do.
Rule 1: Do not intentionally run people over (you must slow
down/stop to avoid them).
A. You are permitted to run over hostile enemies.
Rule 2: You may build a ramp to get over obstacles, delete
this afterward, however.
Rule 1: Do not store your printers in the Reichstag.
A. Do not store printers in your personal home/base.
(Printers are considered illegal when outside the bank)
Rule 2: You may only work for the Reich. You cannot help
resistance raid the bank. Doing so will be considered FailRP.
Rule 1: Resistance groups/factions may Mug each other.
Rule 2: Resistance groups/factions may Raid each other.
Rule 3: Only Resistance jobs can raid the Reich.
A. You must have a valid reason.
Rule 4: You may only kill a Reich official if they're a
direct threat to your/friend's freedom, life, and/or raid.
A. If they acknowledge your/your friend's illegal
activities or they are in the direct way of a raid or sabotaging with the
intention to destroy.
B. If the Reich sees that you are wanted or notices that
you have a gun (by weapon check or open carry) or notices anything illegal
in your possession.
Rule 5: Resistance/civilians may build embassies/countries
but must follow all Reich laws.
A. Resistance/civilians cannot restrict Reich officials
from entering the embassy/country.
B. Embassies/Countries are illegal unless stated otherwise
by laws.
Rule 6: Resistance/civilians may defend their Controlled
Sections of the map from the Reich by any means necessary.
A. You may not openly bait the Reich into your section. (By
being in section or leading them into your section)
A-1. Refer to Misc Rules (8, 8A, 8B, and 8C) and Common
Sense Rules (1 and 13)
Rule 1: You are not permitted to KOS each other on sight.
A. You may mug/raid each other.
Rule 1: You must wait 10 minutes between successive
mugs/raids of the same person/place.
A. You are NOT allowed to shoot the person before you start
B. You/your group must enter the building you are raiding
within 1 minute of the raid starting.
C. Once you've entered a building to raid it you have 10
minutes to leave.
Rule 2: You must have a realistic amount to ask for (2RM -
3000RM), with a reasonable time to respond (at least 15 seconds).
A. You must specifically acknowledge the player you’re
mugging in your message (Voice or Text).
Rule 3: Do not mug someone with an explosive (Flamethrowers
do not count).
Rule 4: You must wait three minutes between the next raid (of
a different person).
Rule 1: You cannot attempt to overthrow/kill the Fuhrer
unless one of the conditions are met and you request change that he refuses:
A. Taxes are above 35% (for your own class only).
B. Economy is below 50%.
C. A law is not repealed that negatively affects you (not
including the default laws).
D. You must /advert to the Fuhrer to make this change and
give him time to respond (at least 3 minutes).
E. If you plan on raiding, please read the Raiding rules;
you must clearly state this.
Rule 2: If the Fuhrer refuses to change, the
ObergruppenfĂĽhrer is an open target as well.
Rule 3: If you wish to jailbreak someone out of the Reich,
you must give the Reich 1 minute to release your friend. (You have to advert.)
A. Once you break a friend out of jail, this does not give
you permission to kill the Fuhrer.
Must not be in Reich Outfit
Resistance Member
Resistance Medic
Resistance Operative
Resistance Leader
Black Market Dealer
Rustung Dealer
Cherkesov Dealer
Production classes that are impacted by the economy